12-31-17 | The Experiment Ends | Pastor Ryan Thompson | |
12-17-17 | Live to Give | Pastor Ryan Thompson | |
12-10-17 | It’s the Little Things | Pastor Ryan Thompson | |
12-03-17 | What Matters Most | Pastor Ryan Thompson | |
11-26-17 | The Ultimate Life Hacks | Pastor Ryan Thompson | |
11-19-17 | Wise Thinking Leads to Better Living - Part 2 | Pastor Ryan Thompson | |
11-19-17 | Wise Thinking Leads to Better Living - Part 1 | Pastor Ryan Thompson | |
11-12-17 | What’s In Your Box?!? | Pastor Ryan Thompson | |
11-12-17 | Solomon’s Thesis on Things | Pastor Ryan Thompson | |
10-22-17 | Approaching the Almighty | David Scott | |
10-15-17 | Three Divine Conclusions | Pastor Ryan Thompson | |
10-01-17 | My Portion | Sammy Roberson | |
09-17-17 | I Can’t Figure It Out! | Pastor Ryan Thompson | |
09-17-17 | The Seasons of Life | Pastor Ryan Thompson | |
09-10-17 | Solomon’s “I” Disease | Pastor Ryan Thompson | |
09-10-17 | Solomon’s Heart Disease | Pastor Ryan Thompson | |
09-03-17 | I Saw It With My Own Two Eyes | Pastor Ryan Thompson | |
09-03-17 | The Experiment Begins | Pastor Ryan Thompson | |
08-27-17 | Chat With a King | Pastor Ryan Thompson | |